Baik pasar bergerak saat Anda tidur atau saat jam sibuk, trading Anda tetap tidak terganggu.
Mesin yang tidak pernah berhenti
Jaga sistem trading otomatis tetap berjalan meskipun perangkat lokal Anda sedang offline
Kunci untuk scalping dan trading frekuensi tinggi
Terhubung ke server broker dengan penundaan minimal, memastikan eksekusi trading lebih cepat
Trading dengan Virtual Private Server (VPS) menjaga strategi otomatis Anda berjalan 24/7, meskipun perangkat Anda tidak aktif.
Klaim VPS GratisPastikan Anda memenuhi persyaratan deposit dan volume trading.
Unggah salinan faktur VPS Anda untuk verifikasi.
Harapkan pengembalian dana Anda dalam waktu 10 hari setelah bulan VPS Anda berakhir.
mencoba demo
Untuk membuka pengembalian dana Anda, penuhi persyaratan setoran minimum $1.000 dan pertahankan volume perdagangan bulanan minimal nilai nosional $0,5 juta.
Untuk nilai nosional bulanan antara $0,5 juta dan $1 juta, Anda akan mendapatkan kembali hingga $25. Jika Anda adalah trader bervolume tinggi yang nilai nosional bulanannya melebihi $1 juta, Anda akan memenuhi syarat untuk mendapatkan pengembalian dana maksimum $50.
Setelah memenuhi syarat, VT Markets akan meninjau dan memproses klaim Anda dalam 10 hari pertama bulan kalender berikutnya, setelah siklus bulanan langganan VPS berakhir.
Anda dapat memeriksa status klaim Anda langsung pada halaman penawaran di Portal Klien Anda.
Tidak. Hanya perdagangan tertutup yang akan diperhitungkan dalam persyaratan pengembalian dana VPS.
Anda hanya dapat mengirimkan invoice yang diterbitkan dalam waktu tiga bulan setelah hari terakhir periode penagihan VPS
Hanya faktur yang ditagih secara mingguan, dua mingguan, bulanan, atau triwulanan yang memenuhi syarat untuk pengembalian dana ini.
Lihat syarat dan ketentuan
VT Markets Free VPS Terms and Conditions
VT Markets Free VPS (herein the “Offer”) is offered by VT Markets, traded under VT Markets Limited (herein “the Company” or “VT Markets”), to the Company’s clients.
This offer is valid from 01/07/2024
This offer is available to all new and existing clients of VT Markets, who have registered a live account with VT Markets and reside in the following countries/regions (herein the “Participant” or “Client”):
Eligible countries | Link |
New clients must open a new live account with VT Markets (meaning, not a “demo” account). By opening a new account with VT Markets, the client acknowledges they have read and agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and VT Markets’ General Terms and Conditions.
PAMM/MAM master accounts are not eligible to participate in this Offer.
By participating in this Offer, clients acknowledge that they have read and agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and the Client Agreement as published on the website of the Company.
To participate in this Offer, clients must:
Opt-in to this Offer via the Client Portal.
Deposit at least $1,000 (or equivalent) to your trading account.
Eligible participants will be able to receive a cashback amount that is equal to the amount paid for their VPS services. To complete the claim, participants must:
Follow the prompt and upload your VPS invoice via the offer page inside your Client Portal.
Meet the trading requirements during your VPS billing period.
Participants need to fulfill the trading requirements below to complete their VPS fee claim:
Trading Requirement (Notional Value, USD) |
Maximum claim amount (USD) |
500,000 – 999,999 | 25 |
1,000,000 and above | 50 |
Only closed trades will be counted towards this Offer.
VPS invoices submitted must contain the following information for the Company to process the claim:
Participant’s name (must be the same as the client’s name registered with the Company)
Billing period
Payment amount and currency
Participants may submit only one claim for the same time period.
Participants may submit only invoices billed within three months from the last day of the VPS billing period. Invoices that do not meet this criterion will not be eligible to claim from this Offer. Only invoices that are billed on weekly/fortnightly/monthly/quarterly basis qualify under this Offer.
“Maximum claim amount” refers to the capped amount for each claim. The capped amount can vary based on completed trade volume as per clause 8 of the Terms and Conditions.
The table below illustrates some examples:
Amount paid on your VPS (USD) | Trading Completed (Notional Value, USD) | Eligible amount to get from this Offer (USD) |
10 | 600,000 | 10 |
10 | 1,200,000 | 10 |
30 | 600,000 | 25 |
30 | 1,200,000 | 30 |
60 | 1,200,000 | 50 |
VT Markets will review and process each participant’s claim within the first 10 days of the next calendar month after their VPS subscription’s monthly cycle completes. Participants will be able to check their claim status on the offer page under their Client Portal.
The amount disbursed from the claim will be adjusted accordingly based on prevailing exchange rates if the participant’s VPS payment is not denominated in the same currency as the trading account selected to receive it.
Internal transfers, balance or cash adjustments, Introducer/Affiliate rebates or commissions of any kind will not be considered new deposits and therefore will not be counted towards this Promotion.
VT Markets reserves the right to stop or refuse the client’s participation in the Offer if any of these rules are breached or there is any suspected abuse of the Offer.
VT Markets reserves the right to deduct any amounts after they are claimed in case of a breach. Participants may lose eligibility if there is any suspected abuse of the Offer.
This program can be retracted at any time of VT Markets’ choosing and account eligibility will be subject to our discretion.
Any dispute or situation not covered by these Terms will be resolved by VT Markets at its sole discretion.
The trading volume used to apply for this Offer may not be used to apply for any other promotions provided by VT Markets.