This week, traders are primarily focused on the rate decisions of major central banks, such as the Federal Reserve and Bank of England. Alongside these, the US Jobs Report is slated for release, serving as a critical indicator for the US’ economic health. Traders and investors are advised to be cautious, as these events could drive market fluctuations.
In its September meeting, the Bank of Japan (BoJ) unanimously voted to keep its key short-term interest rate at -0.1% and the 10-year bond yields at 0%.
Analysts predict that the central bank will keep these interest rate levels in its upcoming meeting on 31 October.
Canada’s economy showed stagnation in July, following a 0.2% decline in June.
Analysts expect a 0.1% growth for Canada’s GDP in August, with the figures set to be released on 31 October.
During its meeting in September, the Federal Reserve (Fed) maintained the target range for its funds rate at a 22-year high of 5.5%.
Analysts predict that the Fed will keep interest rates steady at 5.5% in the upcoming meeting on 2 November.
In its September meeting, the Bank of England held its policy interest rate at 5.25%, the highest level since 2008. This was influenced by the latest inflation and labour data.
As the next meeting approaches on 2 November, analysts predict that the central bank will maintain the rate at 5.25%.
The Canadian economy added 63,800 jobs in September 2023, the highest in eight months. However, the unemployment rate held steady at 5.5% for the third consecutive month.
Looking ahead, analysts forecast an addition of 24,600 jobs for October. These figures, due for release on 3 November, are also expected to show a slight rise in the unemployment rate to 5.6%.
The US nonfarm payrolls saw a increase of 336,000 in September, while the unemployment rate stayed steady at 3.8%.
For October 2023, the data set to be released on 3 November is anticipated to report an addition of 172,000 jobs, with the unemployment rate projected to remain at 3.8%.
Pertanyaan Umum
Peringatan Resiko: Perdagangan CFD memiliki tingkat risiko yang tinggi dan mungkin tidak cocok untuk semua investor. Leverage dalam perdagangan CFD dapat memperbesar keuntungan dan kerugian, berpotensi melebihi modal awal Anda. Sangat penting untuk sepenuhnya memahami dan mengakui risiko terkait sebelum melakukan perdagangan CFD. Pertimbangkan situasi keuangan Anda, tujuan investasi, dan toleransi risiko sebelum membuat keputusan perdagangan. Kinerja masa lalu tidak menunjukkan hasil di masa depan. Lihat dokumen hukum kami untuk pemahaman komprehensif tentang risiko perdagangan CFD.
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